September 15, 2008

  • Back from DC

    This weekend, I left Johnny and Jack at home for the first time to travel to Washington, D.C. for my friend Michelle's wedding shower. (Well, technically, it was a luncheon, since Michelle never wanted a shower. Her aunt wanted to host something for her, though, so we settled on calling it a luncheon instead. ) I was very nervous to leave my boys at home, and I missed them so much while I was gone, but I did want to be there. Michelle's flown all over the country for so many of my festivities over the years -- bachelorette party, wedding, baby shower, meeting Jack after he was born -- that this was the least I could do! Plus, being all the way over in California, I felt like I couldn't share in her pre-wedding festivities very well. As if I needed any more encouragement, right as Michelle was telling me about this luncheon a couple of months ago, I found out that I had earned enough credit card points for a free domestic round-trip flight. Score!

    It was a whirlwind trip ... I left Friday at 1 p.m., and I arrived back in Los Angeles yesterday at 11:30 a.m. Less than 48 hours! But, it was so worth it to have some "girl time" with Michelle, and to be there for the luncheon, and to read two books during my flights!

    Here are some pictures from the weekend:

    Yummy peanut butter and chocolate truffles that Michelle's aunt made. Michelle's mom frosted them with "M"s (although they could also be "E"s, for Michelle's fiance, Eric)

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    On left, Sarah, Michelle's mom, Michelle's aunt, and Michelle gather in the kitchen; on the right, Michelle, her friends Laura and Briana, and me, waiting to open gifts

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    The lunch spread was really yummy. Michelle's aunt made it all! There was cold poached salmon with a spinach cream sauce, cold and spicy lo mein, Chinese chicken salad, pita and hummus and so many other things, I lost count. We also had yummy cupcakes with fresh raspberry cream (made with home-grown raspberries). After lunch, we opened gifts and looked through the recipe book that we'd made for Michelle. Everyone brought at least one recipe, and we put it into a binder for Michelle.

    It's a mini-Northwestern reunion: Me, Becca, Michelle and Kerri

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    After the luncheon, we chilled for a bit, then Michelle, Becca and I went out on the town. (I use that term mildly ... what we did was have Potbelly sandwiches, then hit up a bar called Zengo for yummy mango mojitos.)

    Mmmm, Potbelly!! How I miss you. No one else can measure up ... not Quiznos, not Subway, not any other sandwich shop!

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    After our night out, we returned to Michelle and Eric's apartment, where we watched an hour of Saturday Night Live before falling asleep. (Oh my, wasn't that Sarah Palin/Hillary Clinton opening skit hilarious?)

    Michelle and Eric were very gracious hosts, and I had a really good time. I was definitely happy to get home to Johnny and Jack, though!

    I don't have pictures of Jack from this weekend, but I do have some from last weekend! I haven't shared these yet. We ran errands at a bank, where Jack ran around and around.

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    Also, check out this video, which showcases Jack's walking and noise-making skills.

    We also visited a family friend last weekend with my mom, June and Charles. Here's a group shot. My mom, me (in yellow) and June are in the middle.

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    My mom got Jack a nifty hat that he wears in the bath, to shield his eyes from the soapy water when I rinse his hair. He thinks it's hilarious, and it works really well. He loves shampoos now!

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    Jack's now eating more than I do at some meals! Looks like he's over his picky eating (for now). I don't know what brought on this change, I'm just happy about it. Also, he has a new pastime: "vaccuuming" our coffee table.

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    That's all, folks! I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Comments (7)

  • the peanut butter and chocolate truffles looks GREAT!

  • omg his hair grows back so quickly! and that nifty hat of his is cool looking hehehehehe looks like he wanted to take it off so  badly...

  • Aww bev: i love it and love the dino cute and adorable.

  • Looks like you had such a fun time at Michelle's luncheon! Glad you got to squeeze in some "girl time"! That sandwhich looks good along w/ those truffles; now I'm hungry. Those pics of Jack are too cute and I loved the video of him making all that noise-what a ham.

  • It must have been hard leaving Johnny and Jack, but I'm glad you had a good time with your girlfriends! Oh how I would LOVE a turkey sub...that sub you're eating looks delicious!!! Jack is just adorable and I'm glad his appetite has returned

  • That's so neat!!! I did a "whirlwind" trip to Paris a few years ago and it was a hoot! (But, I was already in London so it's not really the same but hey it's always fun to reference going to Paris in a blog comment right?)  But really, I am really happy that you got a partial-weekend away to see close friends. I know that meant the world to your friends to see you!

    That video of Jack is a riot! He's sooo cute. I can't believe how fast he's growing girl. It's scary!

    Btw, I did post pics of my new purses for ya.

  • very cute! I love that video of him.

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