May 27, 2008

  • Memorial Day Weekend Update

    I hope all of my U.S.-based readers had a wonderful long weekend! I took Friday off, so I had a full four days to enjoy. It went by way too quickly, and despite getting sick toward the end of the weekend, I had a lot of fun!

    Friday, Johnny and I took Jack to the Third Street Promenade. I got some workout gear at Hard Tail, then Johnny bought some casual summer clothes at Old Navy. After shopping, we had lunch at a Greek restaurant, where Jack was adored by the waitresses. He was so good during the outing! We didn't take pictures while we were out, but I did take this pic before we headed out for the day. It's Johnny and Jack in their matching shirts!

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    Saturday morning, Jack and I headed to my friend Tomomi's house for a playdate. She lives in my neighborhood, and her son, Kai, is only 11 days older than Jack. Kai is super cute. He's half-Japanese, and he has almost blond hair! Kai looks so much bigger than Jack, despite weighing in only a half pound more! I think he's an inch taller, though, and that makes a lot of difference at this age. Anyway, for the first 15 minutes of the play date, Jack was very shy and hung around me. I knew he was comfortable when he started crawling away from me, flirting with Tomomi, making funny faces at her husband and trying to hit Kai with toys. The two boys had fun together, especially with peeking at each other through the walls of the play pen that Tomomi has in her living room. They also tried to hit each other with the door of the play pen.

    Jack tries to join Kai in the play pen

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    The only successful shot I got of both babies looking in the direction of the camera!

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    Later Saturday afternoon, Jack and went to Target. He had a grand old time, sitting in the cart, drinking out of his new straw sippy cup and waving to shoppers with his other hand.

    Jack, riding in style

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    Saturday night, while Jack slept in the car, Johnny and I went to the airport to pick up my dad, who arrived from Taiwan. Unfortunately, my mom had to leave for Taiwan earlier than expected because her uncle is really sick.  So for the first time ever, my dad's here in the States while my mom's in Taiwan! My dad looks so thin from working too hard! After picking him up, we headed to my parents' house to spend the night.

    Sunday, we met up with my dad's side of the family for a reunion/belated birthday celebration for my aunt (who's also my godmother). My cousin Diane was also there; she had her baby, Justin, a month before I had Jack! It was the first time the two babies have met up since they were three and four months old.

    Jack looks away while Justin looks at Jack's high chair enviously

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    Jack stuffs his face while Justin looks on, unaware that he also has Cheerios and puffs in front of him -- so cute!

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    Jack was fascinated by Justin and kept trying to harrass him. He would take a Cheerio and try to stick it in Justin's eye while making cheerful noises. He also kept reaching over to touch Justin, and when Justin started crying, Jack withdrew his hand and kept on eating like nothing happened. Whenever Justin made a noise, Jack would look over quizzically and maybe say "da" or "ba" in response. It was really interesting to observe. Justin was also interested in touching Jack. Both babies were obsessed with dropping things onto the floor!

    In between watching the babies and eating, we did manage to take lots of pics!

    Jack enjoys standing on the windowsill

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    June and I

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    My dad, my aunt, June and I

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    Jack and I, my cousin Diane and Justin, and my aunt. Notice how Justin's looking at his mom, while Jack decides that Justin's jacket is much more interesting than I am!

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    Johnny, Jack and I

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    Another shot of us; this one isn't as nice of me and Johnny, but Jack looks so happy!

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    It was fun to see everyone. That afternoon, I started to feel really bad physically, but I chalked it up to being tired and crampy. I took a long nap and went to bed early that night after we drove back to our apartment, and I felt better yesterday. In the morning, Johnny and I took Jack to Coffee Bean and then to the park, where we met a 10-year-old girl who uses a Blackberry for a phone (to be fair, it was her mom's old Blackberry) and talked about how much she wanted an iPhone. I decided that 10-year-olds these days are more sophisticated than I am! After returning home, I made cream cheese brownies for a barbecue we were going to later in the afternoon. The barbecue was a lot of fun, and the brownies were a hit. Jack had fun, too.

    Why don't Mommy and Daddy have one of these lawn chairs at home for me to stand on?

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    After returning home from the barbecue, I started to feel really bad. My throat was scratchy, my back was sunburned (I forgot to apply sunscreen on my back, and I was sitting with my back to the sun most of the time) and my tummy felt weird (not food poisoning weird, just gassy weird). I thought maybe I'd just talked too much and drank too much. I'd had about three glasses of wine, which is three more than I usually have! Alas, this morning I woke up with a cough, stuffy nose and cloudy head. I came to work, though, since there is a lot to do! I was going to go to Bar Method class this morning, but thought better of it and canceled. I'll go tomorrow!

    Thanks for reading!

Comments (8)

  • looks like u enjoy your times! cute Jack! and cute top

  • heheh fun wknd!

  • what cute little babies jack and kai are.

    i was visualizing jack in the target shopping cart drinking his sippy cup in one hand and waving hi to strangers with the other hand as i was reading what you wrote. what a flirt he is already. too cute, too cute!

  • Awwww... I hope you feel better soon!! Drink a lot of fluid and take airborn or vitamin c... I also like taking lemon ginger tea (but can be harsh on your stomach, I think I got a heartburn today from it!) or if you have apple cider vinegar, you can mix a spoonful with water and honey. Han's mom says that cooked pear juice is helpful, but I haven't made one yet... I'm not sick right now but I tend to get sick when stressed so I'm in the preventative mode. Anyway, the weekend sounded like a lot of fun. Han and I went back to his home and visited his uncle's grave (the first time I did memorial day thing on memorial day). Feel better soon!

  • Well, it looks like Jack had some fun little playmates this weekend I can't believe he's using a straw sippy-cup...what a big boy! It sounds like you had a great weekend...except for being sick All the pictures are great and I really like the second one of you, Johnny and Jack in the restaurant - I think you all look great!

    When I was pregnant with Hannah I got two colds and I was too nervous to take anything so I used to make tea and squeeze grapefruit juice into it and honey - it helped a lot. I really hope you feel better soon!!!

  • Hi Beverly! I hope you are feeling better. I've been suffering lately w/ allergies. :/ Sounds like you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I'm so glad you got to see your dad and Jack looks so cute as usual.  :o ) I'm glad Jack enjoyed his playdate!! I also love the top you're wearing-so cute.

    ryc: Thanks for the advice!! I love the grid idea; just not sure if I'm coordinated enough to do that. I do agree that I need to paint the wall which I will be doing in the near future. Oooo I'm gonna ck out French Vanilla-sounds like coffee creamer-lol. I love your idea of hanging up a scenic print or a metal design. A votive candle holder sounds like a wonderful idea!! Thank you for the ideas Beverly!! :o )

  • I love your descriptions of baby interations - so funny!
    The picture of you and June adorable.
    And, I hope your feeling much better by now.

  • the father and son matching shirts is so cute! i just love men and babies together haha!

    and i think jack is just as cute as kai :P

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