May 22, 2008

  • Too busy!

    I am so glad Memorial Day weekend is coming up. This week, I've had three offsite meetings in three consecutive days! Today, I drove back and forth from San Diego ... that's 240 miles; five hours of driving in one day. Johnny was sweet and insisted that I take the RAV4 instead of the Beetle, so that I could see traffic more clearly and be more comfy for the long drive. I almost fell asleep at the wheel on the way back. It wasn't late at all -- I left SD around 1:15 p.m., but my day had started at 6 a.m., and I had stayed up until midnight the previous evening to finish prepping for the meeting. I had taken a couple hours' break when I got home from work so I could spend some time with Jack, and then picked up again after he was in bed, and by the time I got done wearing my Mommy hat, eating dinner and preparing for the meeting, it was today.  On the drive back this afternoon, it seemed like the more I tried to stay awake, the more my eyelids wanted to close, even when I was pinching my leg and singing loudly in the car. I made it safe and sound, though! My meetings all went well, so all the prep and traveling was worth it.

    When I was talking to my mom on the phone today, she told me -- and rightly so -- that I should get to bed earlier. Most nights we're not in bed until 11:30 p.m. or midnight -- late for people who get up at 6 a.m. That's probably my fault. Johnny always waits up for me so we can go to bed together. I know I could get more sleep if I let some things go around the house or skipped working out. Does anyone else get weird when it comes to chores, though? Johnny's always offering -- even insisting -- on helping with more than his share of chores (he's in charge of doing dishes, putting them away, taking out the trash and vaccuming. Since I started back at work, Johnny has also often taken on laundry and ironing, things that used to be exclusively "mine." (I adore doing laundry -- I feel so in control, what with the piles and the sorting and the putting away. And, oh, ironing ... if only I could apply an iron to life and smooth away all the wrinkles!) Because of this, I've gotten rather territorial about my remaining chores -- all things related to Jack, usually, plus cooking and general straightening, and laundry, if it falls on a weekend. Last night, Johnny kept offering to make dinner and do Jack's laundry, but again I was reluctant to have him do things that are on "my" list. I'm especially possessive about cooking. It's not a male/female thing, it's a -- you guessed it! -- control freak thing. My kitchen = my domain! Don't mess with it! The more Johnny offers help, the more stubborn I become. Sometimes Johnny points out to me that in the time I've spent trying to dissuade him from helping, he could have gotten the chore done. I am making progress, though. Last night, I managed to tell myself that if I'm working late and my sweet husband is offering a helping hand, it is only logical to accept it. Equal partnership and all that, not a dictatorship run by Beverly, right?   In the end, Johnny did Jack's laundry and made his bottles for the next day, in addition to his usual dish washing. I made dinner and selected Jack's food for the next day (I truly relish that "chore" and will never give that up! Well, until Jack starts eating meals with us. Then I have to relinquish control as Master Menu Planner for the prince). My goal is to unabashedly accept help in the name of getting more sleep.

    Wow, that was a long tangent! Back to the topic at hand. I'm taking Friday off, and I'm really excited. My only plans are to spend the day with Johnny and Jack. We're going to head to the Third Street Promenade. Johnny wants to look at some shorts at Old Navy. I love going there and getting trendy things that I know I probably won't wear for more than one season ... I don't feel as guilty because it's pretty inexpensive.  So, while the trip is really more for Johnny, I can't say I won't at least peek at the women's stuff. But even better than the shopping is the prospect of four whole days with Johnny and Jack, and family and friends. 

    The rest of the weekend will be pretty packed. Saturday morning, Jack and I are going to a playdate at a friend's house, then later that evening, we'll go pick up my dad from the airport. He's coming back from Taiwan for a couple of weeks. Sunday, we have a family reunion on my dad's side of the family, and Monday we're going to a barbecue. I think I'll make my cream cheese brownies to bring to the barbecue. Somewhere in there, I've got to find time to shop for the brownie ingredients and make some more food for Jack. He's running through my frozen supplies like nobody's business these days. I also need to make a Target run. Wish me luck on getting those things done.

    (I promise that very occasionally, I do things that are more interesting than going to Target, baking brownies and cooking baby food. )

    I hope everyone has a relaxing, fun Memorial Day weekend! Off to bed I go to recharge for my last workday this week!

Comments (12)

  • Your mom might have a point there But, I understand doing what you need to do in order to feel less anxiety.

    You might give up some of that control when Jack gets into his toddler days, though.. ha, not by choice!

    Enjoy your weekend! I look forward to pictures. I'm sure I'll still be in the hospital so looking at your fun might life my spirits!

  • I need to get some more sleep too.  Have a great weekend! It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. :)

  • I'm sorry things have been so hectic and tiring for you I hope that you get more sleep! I have to admit that Shaun does a TON of household chores, which isn't fair since I'm a SAHM, but I just despise chores and it's hard to get things done when you're constantly keeping your eyes on a toddler who likes to test her limits every 2 seconds! I know what you mean though...Shaun offers to help with dinner and I just can't handle it.

    I hope you have a WONDERFUL long weekend!!!

  • Wow!! Sounds like you have been super BUSY Beverly. I'll just refer to you as "Super Mom"! I am so impressed that you are able to balance all of those things such as cleaning, taking care of Jack, working full time, cooking, AND exercising. YOU GO GIRL!! You should give yourself a pat on the back as cheesy as that might sound. I live alone and I struggle daily just to keep up w/ everything and I'm not so great about exercising, so I envy you! :o ) I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you have a great husband and support system to help you out. OH and I'm glad you made it home safely and did not fall asleep at the wheel. I almost fell asleep once on the highway, but luckily I woke up! I had the windows down and the radio up and I was still dozing off. Oy. I also need to go to bed earlier. Hope you and your family have a great Memorial Day weekend!! :o )

  • That sounds so exhausting! I don't have that problem of not letting others help, and not getting enough sleep so I'm not sure what to suggest, ha! A full night's sleep is really important though, and 6 hours is definately not full. I've read that you need at least 7, or you put yourself at risk for a lot of health problems. I hope you find a way to let some things go, for now!

  • Yikes, going to bed at 1130 (and you probably don't even go to sleep till 12, if you go to bed at 1130!) and wake up at 6 isn't alot of sleep! Especially when you are running around all day long, and you also workout at night, I am sure your body needs much more sleep! If you ever feel like you are going to doze off at the wheel, bring mints with you! I've heard alot of people that say it really works, and it also helps with headaches! =) I hope you get some sleep! Enjoy your weekend!

  • I am also the same way with chores. For some reason I take offense to Daniel doing the dishes. Like he is saying, "Well, since you're lazy and didn't do the dishes, I guess I will have to do them." lol. He has told me that it's all in my head, and he doesn't even think that way. lol. I'm weird..

  • Haha...I liked the tangent. I understand the need to do it, but I think your mom is right...let go of the reins a bit and let Johnny help you more! :) And get to bed earlier!!!

  • Hmmm I can't say that I share your troubles! I do more of the house chores and enjoy some of them (particularly organization and wiping over any flat surface) but most of the time I complained to Han to step up and do more chores around the house. I guess we each have to pick our own battles. We have to learn to hold different standards for them or be respectful of the idea that there are "alternative" ways of doing the chores, but I agree with Tiffany that it's probably better for our mental well-being to let go a little either way. I will email you about meeting up soon.

  • I am afraid your momma is right on this one, you should be getting more sleep.  I do understand about the chores and exercising.  It is hard to let some things go when you work outside of the home and have babies to take care of.  After Gracie was born Rob and I had a hard time with the adjustment of baby and home.  I wanted my house to be sparkling clean just like before I had Grace but in order to do that I would have to begin cleaning right when I got home from work.  Grace would get very fussy right when we got home from work and the sitter and I knew why.  She had missed me during the day and all I wanted to do was clean!  Rob and I talked about things he could do and things I could do around the house.  I also limited to a one hour clean up time after work.  That meant the rest of the time was for cooking dinner, playing with Gracie and her bedtime routine.  It worked out and although my house wasn't as clean, my baby was happier.  It also gets ten times harder with two kiddos.  Two mealtimes, two baths, two bedtime routines...I am exhausted, but happy :)

  • That is a lot of driving in one day. I'd be tired too.

    Dang, I would die if I stayed up that late, though I can certainly understand your need to get everything done around the house. I don't even have a job, and I feel like I can barely stay on top of things. It's really hard when you have a little one to take care of, and I can't even imagine how hard it must be to work all day, then come home and be a mom and a wife too. Sounds like you are wearing a lot of hats. It is probably hard to give up some of it, but Johnny is the sweetest guy to take some of it off your hands, to you might have to let him. Better to give up a little housework for the sake of more sleep.

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