May 16, 2008

  • Jack's 10-Month Stats

    We had Jack's 10-month well-check today, although he's technically 10 months and 4 days old.

    Height: 29 inches (no change since last time) -- 75th percentile
    Weight: 21 pounds (half pound gain since last time) -- 50th percentile

    The percentiles stayed the same. He's plotting perfectly on the growth curve. At first I was like, "What, no massive gain??" And the doctor reminded me that Jack is almost one, when growth slows down, otherwise he'd be a sumo wrestler.  Anyway, I feel like Jack is plenty big in my arms these days. He's in 12-18 month clothing now. I feel so sad putting all the 9-12 month clothing away!

    The pediatrician also pricked Jack's finger and got some blood to test for anemia. My mom, sister and I have all been slightly anemic at one point or another (very common among women, especially Asian women), so I was curious as to what Jack's results would be. He passed with flying colors. The normal range is from 40 to 50, and Jack came in at 44 -- not too high, not too low.

    So, all is well! I can't believe it's been 10 months already!

    Oh, and I meant to write this yesterday, but forgot -- I often shake my head at being a resident of a sometimes-wacky state, but this news makes me very proud to be a Californian! The right to gay marriage is an issue close to my heart, because it affects some close friends and also because, from my perspective, who are we to deny such a basic right to two people who love and are exclusively committed to one another? Anyway, realizing that some of my friends have very different perspectives, I do consciously keep my political views out of this blog 99% of the time, so that's all I'll say about this.

    Happy weekend, everyone!

Comments (7)

  • To jack's growth chart at 10 months old AND your state's decision!!

  • Yay for California! I'm glad they're following in our *cough* footsteps... lol! Just kidding. Any area that "allows" it is A-OK with me! Also good on Jack's progress! I had my first doctor's appointment today, not alot happened, just blood work and a ton of questions. Rather dull. I've got an ultrasound booked next month too!

    Oh, and no worries about advice! When it comes from people who have been there, I'm all ears. When it comes from old men who's never had kids, shush!

  • @Elewen - I know, Canada is so very cool in my book. I like your use of quote marks around "allows." :) You'll have to keep us posted on your ultrasound!!

  • wow, he's 10 months already? they grow so fast. i love all his facial expressions in the pictures. i especially liked the mother's day pictures and descriptions of jack's expressions. i might have to borrow that idea if you don't mind. great idea!

  • Haha Jack now weighs more than Miso! =P I am really curious to how Miso will react around Jack since she's never interacted with a toddler before... Yes, unfortunately, Jack will be the guinea pig in Miso's behaviors around really little children, but don't worry, we'll put Jack's safety first!

    And I was really happy to hear about the ban too! The Asian American psych. association (that I belong to) was one of the groups that signed the petition in favor of marriage equality; I too think that it's an extremely important issue, and I'm glad to hear that you feel the same way.

  • @gr00vy_mama - Of course I don't mind!! Johnny will be flattered, since it was his idea. :) "Steal" away!

  • Hey I didn't see your other post earlier, but I just looked at the pool outing pics and realized that we have the same bathing suit! well mine has the tube top/tankini top but same print!

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