February 23, 2007

  • Calling All Grey's Anatomy Fans!

    If you caught last night's episode, I have a question for you!

    When Meredith and her mom meet up in limbo, what did Meredith's mom say to her? Before she hugged Meredith, Ellis said, "Don't be a ______ ." Johnny and I couldn't catch what the blank was -- we replayed it from our DVR, and it sounded like "Don't be a den." But that clearly doesn't make any sense. What did she say? It's driving me insane.

    Also, I cried like a baby when George and Izzie brushed shoulders, although I wasn't particularly into the Denny-Izzie thing, and lately Izzie's been annoying me. But, I cried nonetheless. Go figure!

Comments (9)

  • Tristan was making a lot of noise when I watched Grey's last night so I couldn't hear anything. I didn't even realize Ellis said something like that to Mer, the only thing I heard her say was "you're anything but ordinary". Re: Denny, I actually did cry, but for him... not for Izzy. I was never an Izzy fan. I never liked Denny either but I just thought it was really sad he was stuck in afterlife and just get a scent of his love when they cross paths occasionally.

  • yikes, i don't remember what ellis said either...i also felt bad for denny...izzie is just bitchy haha but denny, yeah, i cried...and also when i saw derek curl up with meredith at the end on her hospital bed...i wish someone would feel that way about me someday too

  • I believe she said "Don't be a damn...." then trailed off and hugged her, opting instead to say "You're anything but ordinary".

    I just wished they went with the near-death of anyone BUT Meredith. I mean, it's called "Grey's Anatomy" for a reason. I knew they wern't going to let her die. If it had been any of the other cast members I would have been in such suspense!

  • She said, "Don't be a damn..." and then cut herself off. And then she said, "You are anything BUT ordinary." And I ditto what the other Tiffany said. I mean COME ON! We KNEW Meredith wasn't gonna die. Pfbbbbt. Izzy pisses me off to no end. She's a judgmental, self-absorbed *(!&#(^*~^$)(&(*#*&(*~^.

  • I had no idea what she said either! But I loved that "moment" with Denny and Izzy. It kinda reminded me of Ghosts...

  • I think I may be the only person who doesn't watch this show.

  • Sorry, I don't remember. I actually thought they might possibly kill her off and then have her as a ghost watching everyone...but I guess that wouldn't have been a very good idea. I told Shaun if they were gonna kill her off, I wasn't watching anymore.

    Ahhhh, the hormones. Wait until after you have the baby! For a couple weeks I cried at just about anything remotely sad!!! That was a very touching moment though.

  • i don't watch it either but i was listening to the radio today and the vj's were talking about a scene from last nights show that they think was either cut out or edited badly...excuse me for not having any clue who anyone is, but it was when the guy was trying to save the girl...and one lady was telling him to stop and that she can't be saved...the man yells back that he needs to save her because she is some lady's "girl" and then he says, "She's MY...." and then someone else talks into it.  The vj's were saying that maybe he was going to say that she was his girl?  Anyway, i hope that made sense.


  • I dont know what she said either but I am going to abc.com and watch it again so I can find out.....

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