February 22, 2007

  • Hooray for Johnny!

    I promise that not all my posts are filled with great news, but it's been a red-letter week. Johnny doesn't update very often, but please go read his most recent post. Today, he got an internship offer from Mattel! That's right, the company that makes Barbies, Hot Wheels, and owns American Girl and Fisher-Price. They're headquartered here in LA, and all quarter Johnny's been interested in a marketing internship with them. During the summer between the first and second years of business school, the students usually do a fully paid internship that could lead to a full-time job after grad school. This is exactly the type of job that Johnny left consulting for in order to find. Hooray! (Perhaps he'll bring home some free toys for our son!)

    Also, today officially marks the halfway point of my pregnancy. Wow! For those of you who are disturbed by the fruit and vegetable references, apparently the baby is now at a point where they're not comparing him to food anymore (maybe now they'll start comparing me to fruit: Crikey, her belly is the size of a cantaloupe! That's much less cute, for some reason). The baby is about 10 inches long (shorter than the long side of a piece of paper) and weighs less than a pound, still. It's amazing how much the baby grows in just a week. Last week, he was only about 6 inches long!

    Finally, the third (but certainly not least) highlight is that on Saturday, we're meeting Jody and her husband John! They're in LA to visit some friends. I'm so excited -- Jody and I have become very good friends via Xanga, and it's high time we met! I'll be sure to post some pictures.

    OK, time to go make some dinner. Hope you all have good weekends!

    p.s. I also meant to say that I've recently changed my layout. I loved the old one that Valerie made for me, but it was taking a long time to load at work (lately, our Internet at work's been working slowly -- perhaps they want us to actually work!). I figured that with the revelation of our baby's gender, I might as well switch now -- change to a bluer theme. Thank you so much, Valerie, for making me a layout that was so beautiful!

Comments (11)

  • And you even got a little cute ticker!!!!

    Ooooooh I'm so jealous of the xanga meet! When you see Jody you give her lotsa hugs and kisses from me. And I'm gonna tell her to do the same to you! LOL

    HOORAY! Congratulations, Johnny! That's WONDERFUL news!!!!

  • Congratulations on all the big news in your life!!
    All very cool!!

  • Congrats to Johnny! What a fun internship. Your sonogram pictures are so neat and I can't believe you finally get to meet Jody!! Please tell her I said hello. I hope we can all meet up one day!!! That would be so neat.  Have a great weekend Beverly!

  • Woohoo! I'm glad it's been a banner week for the two of you

  • Wow, that is great news! Johnny must be so excited, and what a fun job that would be!

  • Congrats to Johnny!  That sounds like a great job!  Be sure to post about meeting Jody!  That is so exciting!

  • that's wonderful!  maybe they have some little boy toys at Mattel:)

  • Way to go, Johnny!  That's pretty awesome.  You guys are really getting a good helping of exciting things in the future!  :)  

  • Wow, what a week!  I hope that you guys are enjoying it!  Sorry that I hadn't gotten around to you until now!!!  I feel awful.  But I am glad that Baby O'Neal is a boy.  Something told me that it would be.  Now, are you guys gonna stick with some cultural names or just whatever fits.  Thade Logan McCoy is Irish/Scottish/Irish which wasn't planned.  And Stephanie Tru McCoy is French/IDK b/c you can't find Tru anywhere/Irish.  You really can't find Thade's name on search databases so I don't know what it means.  We just know that my Sis found it after searching for hours to prove to my dad that it was a 'real' name and not a made up one.  Stephanie means 'crown of victory' and I think it is so beautiful.  I can't wait to hear a name for Baby O'Neal.  As for Johnny's job........that is just way too cool!!!  I know that there are like a billion toys just from Fisher Price that I would like for the kids.  It would be awesome to say that I knew someone who worked for that company.  Totally awesome!

  • That's funny because I went to Johnny's site from Jody's site to congratulate him about you guys expecting a boy. Then, I read about Mattel and congratulated him on that, too and then I came to your site and saw this entry. I also knew about the upcoming meeting between you and Jody and I am sooooo jealous!

    Comparing your belly to fruit may not be as cute, but it sure made me laugh

  • Congratulations to Johnny on getting the internship. Free toys sound like a great idea right about now! How did the meeting go with Jody? I hope I can meet her someday. Sorry I've been so busy recently. It's mostly work, but some wedding planning as well. I'm also going to Toronto next week so I am trying to fit in two weekends of work inside one week. Hopefully we'll take a lot of fun pictures and share later. I've posted comments on some of your earlier posts. Hope you don't mind my tardiness. Take care~

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